Tomcats Enter The Break aka “The Bar Scene”

If you have watched the movie TOPGUN (1986), you might recognize this awesome photo from Heater’s collection.  As one of thousands of slides that Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Scott with Heater at his house during the early days of the movie, this particular one was enlarged, backlit, and used as a backdrop in “the bar scene” in the movie.

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If you have watched the movie TOPGUN (1986), you might recognize this awesome photo from Heater’s collection.  As one of thousands of slides that Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Scott looked at with Heater at his house during the early days of the making movie.  This particular one was selected, enlarged, backlit, and used as a backdrop in the infamous “the bar scene”. (Heater was also an extra in this scene sitting at the bar next to Goose with a bunch of beer bottles in front of him)  Heater originally called this photo of a section of VF-1 Wolfpack F-14A Tomcats “Tomcats Enter the Break”, but was given the “Bar Scene” moniker because of it’s prominence in “O-Club” scene in the movie.  The colors and clarity of this photo are simply amazing.  Even more so when you consider Heater took this while flying his own aircraft in formation with them!